Archive for July, 2010

Help me sleep, please…

"Delta of Venus"…this book literally keeps me awake for 4 consecutive nights now!

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Help me sleep, please…

"Delta of Venus"…this book literally keeps me awake for 4 consecutive nights now!

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The Beginning of My Memoir

childhood memories

Chapter I: I was five the very first time I confidently thought I was such a clever child who had wide comprehension of the ABCs, 1, 2, 3, fairy tales and grim stories about beast and witches. Life seemed so comfortable and quiet back then…only if you'd look back and realized that today was such gross and a big crap for those who thought of themselves as stupid and useless.

I got a special award in Kindergarten and bagged the "fourth honor" way back in 1st grade – that was cool though! I never ever realized back then that things were not so complicated and hard as it is today. As much as I'd like to write and describe more of my happy (and unfettered) childhood days, it only brings sad memories of growing up on one hand. I don't know why. Yesterday, I was smart and happy and then today, I am dull and sorry….

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So the earth still exists huh?!…

Oh! So the earth still exists huh?!

I hope, by the time you're reading this, it's just on your computer, iPhone or Blackberry but not on 3D because that was such a whole crap to look onto…

I'm writing you a very special note from a time and place where everything else is worse than you might think – where a real person is talking to a robot, where human minds think 90 % of evil and the single thing that every one else is thinking is just SEX!

Your distressed relative,



I hope you are and will not have sex with a robot. God bless!

I just want to go back in time where…

[Painting] “A RAINY DAY” (Childhood work – Age 13)

The time of being in grade school, where the hardest chore you could ever have is finishing your homework and struggling to wake up for school….

‘a new damn application letter’

It was July 6th when I came to work for the first time after college….(eventually I resigned)…and a year after, I am struggling to write a new damn application letter and constructing such holy crap resume!


I came yester-night with the previous (and very first) company I worked with to accomplish my clearance and the exit interview as well…and the hardest part was…surrendering those “things” that has become part of me during my almost a-year stay at the company…it’s like leaving and surrendering a big part of myself…and at those very moment, you cannot exactly tell how the whole situation felt like…or could it just be something in my thought though.

…it’s like completely saying goodbye to the company and the people I learned to love with…and one of the reasons why I came to work is those people whom I learned to appreciate and understand…and now that I am clearing things up, it feels (until now that I am writing this blog) like you will never ever be ‘able’ to come back or it seems that I should just inhibit myself of thinking and planning to come back and see my colleagues again.

The thought that I am officially surrendering the stuffs that the company had lend me all throughout my stay and that I am parting away from them, it feels like it would take time to accept the whole situation…and as the saying goes, the truth is rarely pure, and never simple.